Restart Scheme

Local Engagement Meetings (LEM)

15th May 2023 Restart Scheme

These meetings take place monthly on the last Wednesday (Wales) and Thursday (West Central) of the month, between 14:00-15:00pm. See below for 2023 dates.

Since the start of the Restart Scheme, the LEMs have discussed many themes including:

  • Disability and why representation matters
  • Youth Engagement
  • JCP Regional Focus
  • In work progression/upskilling
  • Wrap around support for individuals with health conditions
  • 1 Year Celebration
  • Cost of Living
  • Green Economy 


West Central: Securing sustainable employment with NHS Partnership.

Serco Restart Scheme’s September Local Engagement Meeting will focus on the partnerships we have with the University Hospital Birmingham and Sandwell and South Birmingham NHS Trust.

Joining us is Rachel Burton, Learning Hub Manager and Emma Dalton, Widening Participation Project Manager who will deliver short presentations as well as Serco’s Employer Engagement team providing an update on partnerships with other NHS trusts across West Central.  

To register click on the Event Link.

“Thank you for the invite, I always find the meetings very informative and positive!”

“Always informative, great networking to see who the various organisations are and how they are operating and delivering projects”

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