Serco Employment, Skills & Training Services

Serco Education Apprenticeships now Matrix Accredited

17th May 2021 Serco Employment, Skills & Training Services

Serco Education are pleased to announce that we now hold the Matrix accreditation for our apprenticeship delivery.

The Matrix standard is awarded to Training Providers who are committed to delivering the highest standards of information, advice and guidance (IAG) services.  Delivering the best possible service is important to us and ensuring that all of our learners and partners receive the highest level of IAG is paramount.  

We ensure that all learners receive quality assured and impartial information, advice and guidance throughout their learning which includes:

  • Training all staff to the Matrix standard for IAG
  • Monitoring IAG as part of continuous improvement checks
  • Ensuring that all learners receive the required amount of 1:1 sessions
  • Ensuring that applicants are advised about all options and courses available to them
  • All staff working on our apprentcieships will have professional qualifications or substantial expertise in their field of delivery.

This is a very short list of examples of what this means to our learners, for more information please see our Information, Advice and Guidance Policy here.

For further information surrounding our service delivery in Education or Employability please view their specific pages here.

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