In this good news story, hear from Elliott* one of the Restart Scheme’s participants in Wales. Elliott talks about his background, tough upbringing, and how the Restart Scheme was able to get him into work.
“Growing up for me was a struggle, being born into a poor family in a rough area. My parents became addicted to alcohol and drugs when I was born. Up until the age of 6, it was a ‘fend for myself’ situation where I had to try and feed myself every day and make sure my sisters were healthy. By then I had been through a lot of traumatic experiences that I still remember today.
At 6 years old, Social Services took me from my parents and put me into a foster home. Little did I know, this would have been the best thing to happen to me. Moving into my new foster home, I had major trust issues and had a hard time adapting to my new life. All I knew was survival. I had fallen behind in my schoolwork as I never really attended school. I was never the perfect student, but all the teachers supported and nurtured me.
I’ve never had an easy path in my life - I was a very violent person which was how I expressed my emotions. I loved school and learning, but these tendencies got me into a lot of trouble. I fell into the wrong crowds which affected me and my learning. I had been suspended twice due to fighting and breaking property, so my foster parents threatened to kick me out. This was a huge wake-up call, which made me change my ways. From then on, I focused on my studies and was hard working, confident, and caring.
Unfortunately, my past stayed with me. During school, I fell into depression and was suicidal. I had constantly blamed myself for everything that had happened in the past. No matter how much support I received, it never seemed to work. The things I experienced as a child were devastating and it influenced how I was and how I lived. My relationships with my foster parents, teachers and friends were crumbling. I felt as though I was all on my own. The only period where I felt great was when I was sitting my GCSEs.
After I finished school, I attended a 6th form college. I didn’t have a great time - I never did any homework, never paid attention in my classes and was going through a difficult breakup with my long-time girlfriend.
COVID-19 hit, and lockdown happened. This made my depression worse, and I felt like I was on my own due to the lockdown rules and being isolated; it really took a toll on me. I was still talking to my ex-girlfriend because we didn’t want to break up, but we didn’t have time for each other.
Last summer, I went on holiday with my ex-girlfriend and her family, had an excellent time and couldn’t wait to do it again. On the way back, I found out I had been made homeless. I was at the lowest I had ever been. I was struggling to get a job and nowhere would take me on, and I had no means of living.
I eventually got referred to the Restart Scheme and I met Emma Wood, my Work Coach from Serco, and she gave me an opportunity: a chance to change my life.
Emma identified a role for me and told me the ‘ins and outs’ of the job. She gave me interview advice and common questions and answers, preparing me to be successful. I had my interview and got offered the job! The Restart Scheme team felt like they were good friends and wanted nothing but the best for me - they were ecstatic that I got the job!