Skills Bootcamps in Digital

Digital Support (Cloud)

Are you ready to take your career to the next level in the digital world?

This Skills Bootcamps programme is for employees who wish to gain an understanding of the knowledge and skills required to work in the digital support sector.

Working in the digital support sector

In this a certificated unit of study where learners will gain an understanding of organisational policies, standards, and legislation applicable to the digital support sector and the potential consequences of non-compliance.

Topics include:

  • UK and international legislation and regulations applicable to the digital support sector
  • The potential consequences of non-compliance with UK and international legislation and regulations
  • The purposes of a range of ISO standards that relate to security, quality, or safety within the digital support sector
  • The range of tools used to identify possible causes of a digital problem
  • Benefits of continuous improvement to an organisation

Learning Digital Support (Cloud)

Network infrastructure

Understanding the management of a range of network devices, configure a range of server types and design a network infrastructure.

Cloud services

Understand the application of cloud services and security fundamentals. Learning the uses and benefits of using the Cloud, as well as cloud platform services and technology including Amazon Web services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud.

Data management

Gain an understand of the concepts and fundamentals of data, including the purpose and process of backing up data.  Understand how organisations use information systems, and be able to use information systems effectively, appropriately, and securely.

Digital security

Understand the importance of information security management and the mitigation controls used to protect organisational data. Be able to demonstrate their understanding of a security information and event management (SIEM) software and how to establish whether a vulnerability has been exploited.

Supporting digital services

  • Understand common digital problems and helpdesk requests and will be aware of how manage and resolve a helpdesk ticket.
  • Understand task management software tools.
  • Communication for Business

Supporting software maintenance

Understand the benefits, risks and best practice when updating and upgrading software.

Additional learning

This Programme includes the opportunity to choose certification in one of the following specialist pathways: Data Services, Cloud Services (Microsoft Azure), Cloud Services (Amazon AWS) or Modern Desktop.

By taking part in this course, you’ll gain valuable knowledge that can help you get ahead in the digital world. Start your journey today and become a cloud computing expert!


Course Delivery and Duration

This course is delivered online once a week for flexibility, so you won’t have to travel to attend classes. employed learners can manage their learning alongside their job and unemployed learners alongside their day-to-day life.

The Cloud IT Skills Bootcamp takes 12 weeks to complete. The course has 120 hours of guided learning and requires 30 hours of independent study.


Skills Bootcamps are fully funded for learners.

If you want to sign up to this Skills Bootcamp and you are unemployed, you can apply if you meet the eligibility criteria outlined below, and it is fully funded by the government so it will be free for you.

If you are working, your employer is required to pay a small portion of the course fee depending on the size of the business.


You may be eligible to apply for a Skills Bootcamp if you:

  • are aged 19 or over
  • have the right to work in the UK
  • live in England
  • meet residency requirements
  • meet any pre-requisite criteria for a particular course

If you claim Universal Credit, you can apply and continue to claim benefits.