Restart Scheme

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14th Jul 2022 Restart Scheme

Long-term unemployed IT Specialist on the Restart Scheme overcomes confidence barrier to gain employment

Flint | After being unemployed for a long period of time, the Restart Scheme helps young man back into full-time employment.

4th Jul 2022 Restart Scheme

Restart Scheme staff support food redistribution charity Fareshare on their volunteer day

The Restart Scheme team got involved with various activities at Fareshare Midlands. Find out more here.

28th Jun 2022 Restart Scheme

Long-term unemployed mum finds work through the Restart Scheme

Dudley | As a full-time mum, Eve had been long-term unemployed for over eight years due to childcare responsibilities. Eve’s Job Coach James from Pathway Group encouraged Eve to take a more proactive approach resulting in a permanent cafe job. 

23rd Jun 2022 Restart Scheme

“Work from home” role offers flexibility for single mum

Wrexham | Due to childcare responsibilities Charlotte was no longer able to commit to full-time work and made the decision to leave her role. Leah, her Remploy Job Coach, worked with Charlotte to secure a flexible work from home role.