Restart Scheme

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26th May 2022 Restart Scheme

Restart Scheme continues to strengthen local support networks through partnership working with SAFL

Two complementary adult employability and education programmes joined forces to bring together the wider adult support community for the benefit of jobseekers in the Black Country. Serco’s Restart Scheme worked with Sandwell Adult and Family Learning (SAFL) to provide an upskilling information. 11 organisations attended to provide information about the holistic support that attendees can tap into, with some organisations already seeing referrals from the day. 

24th May 2022 Restart Scheme

Take part in Employability Day - 17 June 2022

Employability Day is on Friday 17 June 2022 and is a UK wide campaign for the Employment Support Sector! The day is an opportunity for employment support organisations and employers to celebrate their hard work supporting people to enter or progress in employment. It allows them to shout about their success and drive understanding across key stakeholders at local, regional and national level. Any organisation that supports people to enter or progress in work can get involved in Employability Day, including charities, businesses, employers, social enterprises, local authorities, housing associations and community groups...

19th May 2022 Restart Scheme

Coventry-based single mum regains confidence to secure a retail position

Unemployed for over a year, Lauren, who lacked confidence felt she would not have the time to find a job as a single mother and continue her Open University study. With the help of her Job Coach Lauren has overcome anxiety and put her welcoming bubbly personality to use in the retail sector. Read her story.

27th Apr 2022 Restart Scheme

Midlands-based company offers staff development opportunities to create long-term efficiencies and protect retention rates

An Electrical Contractor has been able to recruit new staff and upskill its existing workforce at no cost by making use of two funded employability programmes. Roger and Marlena, a dynamic husband and wife duo, had been looking for a new Administrative Assistant to join the family-run Lightworks team for months, with no success despite advertising. Through Serco's joint-working, Marlena is growing her business sustainably and at little cost to create meaningful career pathways for her staff and protect retention rates.