Restart Scheme

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30th Oct 2023 Restart Scheme

Jordan secures retail role through the Restart Scheme

Southwater | Jordan struggled with a lack of confidence

He would often talk himself out of applying for roles, and felt he was incapable of finding something suitable. Read more here. 

30th Oct 2023 Restart Scheme

Developing interview skills helps Ryan secure a job through the Restart Scheme

Abergavenny | Ryan* secure a job through the Restart Scheme

Ryan* had been unemployed for a while before joining the Restart Scheme. He was lacking interview experience, struggling with a lack of confidence, and was finding that employers were unsympathetic about him having to rely on public transport to get to and from work. Read more here.

23rd Oct 2023 Restart Scheme

From Participant to Job Coach

Cardiff | A new opportunity for Mo

From his positive attitude to his enthusiasm, Mo’s skillset seemed to be a perfect fit to become a successful Job Coach. After it being suggested he apply for the role Mo was successful in his application and started in role this March. Read more here. 

29th Sep 2023 Restart Scheme

Restart Scheme helps Will find retail role

Will joined the Restart Scheme with gaps on his CV and was unsure about how to look for and find a job. Read more here.