Serco Employment, Skills & Training Services

News listing

10th Nov 2021 Restart Scheme

From homeless to employed

Read how the Restart Scheme helped Christopher to break the cycle and turn his life around.

8th Nov 2021 Cynllun Ailddechrau

Rhywun sydd wedi goroesi caethwasiaeth fodern yn teimlo’n gyfforddus yn ei rôl newydd

Ers cyrraedd y DU o Bacistan 15 mlynedd yn ôl, roedd Ali wedi cael ei orfodi i ildio ei gyflog fel labrwr achlysurol, a gan nad oedd yn gallu siarad Saesneg, ni chafodd yr amodau roedd yn eu hwynebu y sylw roedden nhw’n eu haeddu. Ar ôl cymryd rhan mewn cwrs Ymwybyddiaeth o Gaethwasiaeth Fodern gan Serco, roedd gan Hyfforddwr Sgiliau Ali yn Business 2 Business y sgiliau i ddarparu’r cymorth arbenigol roedd arno ei angen i ddod o hyd i waith ystyrlon, cynaliadwy a diogel.

8th Nov 2021 Restart Scheme

Unemployed to a full-time role in just two weeks!

Cardiff | After being forced to take a carer break to battle health issues, Rhys was eager to get back to work. But the pandemic struck and he was getting nowhere with his job search. Read how the Restart Scheme helped Rhys to get back on his feet in just two weeks! 

5th Nov 2021 Restart Scheme

It’s the people who make the service

Redditch Job Centre has commended the Restart Scheme’s “inspirational work” for driving positive change at the earliest opportunity for its participants. Jav, a Job Coach for Seetec Pluss, has been recognised for his patience and understanding. 

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