With a passion for helping others and keen for a long-term professional career, Chloe says she wanted to break into the third sector and had big plans to eventually start up her own social enterprise. But after two years of unemployment and with dwindling finances putting pressure on her job search, she wondered if she had what it would take.
Ex-business owner, Victor, used to run a coffee shop back in El Salvador, but was forced to flee his home country due to violence. With limited English, Victor struggled to find work and found himself unemployed for nearly two years. Victor was committed to not letting his situation define him. Instead, he contacted his local job centre to see what support was available.
Drwy fyw mewn llety dros dro mewn ardal goediog anghysbell yng nghanolbarth Cymru, heb lawer o fynediad at drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, Wifi prin a dim signal ffôn, roedd John* yn wynebu sawl rhwystr i waith.
Er gwaethaf deng mlynedd o brofiad mewn Manwerthu, a nifer o sgiliau trosglwyddadwy, roedd Charlie* yn tan-werthu ei hun drwy wneud cais am swyddi lefel mynediad yn unig.