Conwy | Kyle was referred onto the Restart Scheme after struggling to find work for over a year. During this period, Kyle had also become homeless and had been living in a tent. Following support, Kyle has accepted a full-time role and is being supported with housing.
Following support, Sam was offered two positions and was able to accept the full-time role which best suited his work-life balance and childcare responsibilities as a single father.
Arferai Victor, cyn-berchennog busnes, redeg siop goffi yn ôl yn El Salvador, ond cafodd ei orfodi i ffoi ei wlad enedigol oherwydd trais. Gan nad oedd yn gallu siarad llawer o Saesneg, roedd Victor yn ei chael yn anodd dod o hyd i waith, ac roedd yn ddi-waith am bron i ddwy flynedd. Nid oedd Victor am i’w sefyllfa ei drechu. Yn hytrach, cysylltodd â’i ganolfan waith leol i weld pa gymorth oedd ar gael.
Solent small and medium sized businesses can benefit from £1.75million in funded training for employees